Tovey – Peter
Longtime companion of Diane.
A local legend of Chiltern, who loved his Chiltern Swans, his chooks, his stories and a cold VB.
A great mate to many. He lived simply and gave plenty.
Sadly missed by his family.
Funeral Notice
My Hero, our Treasured Chiltern South friend. Never was a man more due the accolade of “The Very Honourable”. Very few could stand in this man’s’ shadow with such dignity, generosity of heart and spirit, respect, admiration and trust. A significant gentleman of Chiltern and Chiltern Souths’ communal and historic fabric. Very much loved and respected by our family and everyone he ever encountered, Peter will be deeply missed by community. May he Rest in richly deserved Peace in The Place of The Good Souls🩷
March 3, 2025
A Lovable Larrikin, an Icon and a True Gentleman 🩷
Deepest Sympathy and Sincere Condolences to Loved Ones
Carol & Grant GillmanFrom John Everett (known to Peter as “skipton”). We were neighbours in the 1950s at Chiltern South and we went to Chiltern Primary School together.
I knew his mother, father and brother who, together with Peter made me welcome to their home on numerous times, where Peter and I, as children, played together.
Very happy memories at this very sad time.
All the very best “old chap” hope to see you later!!
March 3, 2025Sympathy to Dianne and family. A few coldies with you and Cactus in the day Sweet Pea
March 5, 2025